Getting attacked by a gang of girls is every post pubescent boys fantasy. I was attacked once by a family friend and her sleepover partners. They tied me to her bed and put a pair of girls knickers on me. As they made fun of me they also tugged on my cock. Eventually one of them sat on me while the others took turns sucking on my hardon. After about a minute or so of this I used my tongue to find this girls clit. It took some serious work, but eventually I used my tongue to pull her shorts and her panties out of the way so I could get a taste of her sweet teen pussy.
That day will always be a good memory for me. As I get older the prospects of ever having that happen again grow dimmer. So it is nice that I can watch CFNM videos of girls attacking boys to relive the moment. Some of the videos get pretty close to my own experience.
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